Content Maker Marleen Verstraete

After a long career in a number of ambitious family businesses, in 2016 I began my second career as a consultant, specializing in HR, strategy execution, change management and internal communication. Since then, I have had the privilege of working with great people. After six years, I also have a clear picture of where I can make a difference. I am at my best when I work for companies in transition.
As Board Member at, I help to strengthen the HR profession in Belgium.
How can I assist you?
A new strategy, a growth spurt, a change of CEO, a new management team or a new HR policy, these are all major changes that could use some support. My job is to help you and your employees find the best solution. Over the years, The Content Makers have built a comprehensive toolbox to assist you.
I am at my best when I work for companies in transition
You choose the format.
As a consultant or interim manager, I can step in temporarily to help you find the right solution or work on a specific project. Through my network I can put you in touch with specialists where needed.
As a trainer or key note speaker I can inspire your teams.
As a mentor: Taking on the responsibility for an HR department for the first time can be overwhelming. 'Where do I prioritize? Where can I go for information and inspiration? How do I build my team?' As a mentor, I can assist you with advice and some useful tools.
Interested to know more? Check out our Toolbox or contact me at
Recent references
Group Huyzentruyt: supporting handover to new CEO, Thomas Van Poucke and transforming the strategy from contractor to developer, setting up a new HR policy, with cherry on top: achieving the Great Place to Work Label in 2021.
Read the article
Aspiravi: Assisting the management team to implement 'New Horizon', a strategic plan for the next 20 years.
Dewaele Group: Member of the advisory board since 2018, supporting handover to new CEO Sofie Spriet.
Ingenium: supporting handover to new CEO, and coaching new management team
Direct communication, getting everyone involved and then going for it. That is the no-nonsense management I believe in: contemporary and professional without heavy management systems. Sometimes a bit contrarian, but always loyal.
I write down my observations in blogs that I hope will inspire you. Here are some teasers:
When you talk strategy, is anyone listening? Imagine the scenario where most of your employees do not know the company's mission and do not understand what to do to achieve its goals. Imagine if the players on a sports team did not understand the strategy of the game. Would that team ever win? Unlikely. But before you rush to start major strategic projects: Fix the basics: Big strategic plans have little credibility or appeal when your employees are struggling with bad computers, outdated software or everyday irritations such as bad coffee or worn-out office chairs. Whenever possible, listen and invest in solving your employees' daily frustrations. It will add to your credibility.
The holes in our cheese: why is change so hard? There is much talk about the importance of change management, but good change management is not a solution to bad projects. Start every project with an honest assessment: is this a priority? Does it have a clear goal and timeline? What will this project do/solve/improve? In my experience, changes with a good WHAT need less change management. These projects are easy to recognize: the reaction of those involved is usually 'FINALLY' !